The Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies (DICTs) was established by the University of Cape Coast (UCC) in the year 2015. The mandate of DICTs is to support teaching, learning, research and administrative services with the use of ICT. Information and Communications Technologies are now at the core of the University of Cape Coast (UCC) critical activities and play a vital role in supporting the vision and mission of UCC across all sectors.
DICTS is also responsible for providing a leadership role in the day-to-day operations of the ICT functions as well as giving strategic direction to the University through internal growth and external acquisition. DICTS also defines the strategic direction of all ICT operations, analyses the University’s current technology infrastructure and aligns it with the UCC strategic plans.
The Dirctorate has four (4) Sections under its jurisdiction. It also has a Secretariat that serve as a general office for the Director. The Secretariat supports the presentation of reports by the Director and co-ordinates the administrative activities for the Sections. It assists with the preparation of budget for the Directorate, organizes meetings and treats clients with decorum, while ensuring that feedback is provided as quickly as possible. The Secretariat is staffed with highly professional personnel with proven skills in communication, leadership, managerial, decision making, time management, and many more. These skills are packaged in pleasant personalities that endear clients to approach the office at all times, knowing that their issues would resolved.
Dr. John K.E Edumadze
(Acting Director, Directorate of Information and Communication Technologies)
- Learning Management System
- Student Portal System
- Staff Portal System
- Email Support
- Digitizing of Operations
- 4G Wireless Network.
- Outdoor LED Billboards.
- NComputing Technology
- Campus Access Network.
- VoIP Communication.
- CCTV Services.
- EDUROAM Services.
- E-Resources.